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I did the work. And now I want to show you how you can create confidence in your life and biz. One step at a time.


The #1 piece of feedback I receive from clients is that I help them feel comfortable and confident on-camera. And I LOVE THAT! But I want my clients to feel like that even when we’re not together in the studio. With my business I have created a personal brand that screams confidence, empowerment, and positivity. I want that for you too!

But here’s the thing. You won’t get there without the work. And so much of that work begins on the inside - before we even get to shooting photos + videos. This isn’t surface level stuff anymore. I invite you to dive into everything I have to offer, so that you can start saying YES to yourself and lean into the LOVE.


About ME

Cristin Goss

What started as a business + career in visual storytelling has morphed into so much more. With over 15 years of working in production, my journey has led me to today - specializing in helping female entrepreneurs gain confidence as biz owners and as women.

I’ve certainly struggled throughout my time as business owner because I didn’t love who I was and I wasn’t intentional about who I wanted to become. It’s an active choice to wake up every day and love myself in my current state, while still taking the steps toward a higher version of myself. I’m here to help you achieve the life and biz you’ve always dreamed of!

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Digital Affirmations

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